Westcotes Wills

Website Design and Branding

Westcotes Wills is a new company specialising in drafting wills and lasting power of attorney for clients across the East Midlands. From the outset they realised that having a great looking, informative website, and a strong brand, would be key to getting in front of the right customers, so got in touch with us to ask for our help.

Having realised that the will writing marketplace is quite a busy one, we decided that the best way for them to stand out was to go with imagery that was slightly unusual. We opted to use owls, known for their wiseness, throughout the website and branding. We even made their logo look a little like an owl’s face.

The reaction of the client and their customers has been great, and they intend to work with us on further development work in the coming months.

Website: westcoteswills.co.uk

Screen showing the new website design.
Tablet showing 77 Rocket's design of the new website design.
Phone screen showing design of the website design.

The use of photography of owls was used to suggest the idea of wisdom. We paired this with a strong green colour throughout.

Ipads with the new website design on.
Powerbook with website design on.

We used photography of owls throughout the site and the logo was designed to be reminiscent of an owl’s face.

Iphone on a desk with website on the screen.
Ipad showing Westcotes Wills Website and Branding by 77 Rockets
Iphone and ipad on bright background.

Let's talk about your web project

Our team have over a decade’s experience creating inspiring websites and online branding for our clients. If you’re looking for a new website, ecommerce store or a new logo or branding why not speak to us to see how we can help.

You can give us a call on 0116 366 9979 or drop us a message.